PhD Opportunities

If you are interested in joining the Hunt Lab for a PhD, there are two main routes available (in addition to e.g. funding schemes offered by your home country).

The first is to join the FARSCOPE CDT – this is Bristol’s EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Click the logo to go to their website. 

Currently applications are closed, but they will reopen in October 2022 for entry in September 2023. There is funding mostly for UK students but also some funding for international students. If you are admitted as a FARSCOPE student you have the freedom to approach me as your supervisor (either lead supervisor or co-supervisor). 

The other opportunity is University of Bristol Postgraduate Research Scholarships, awarded by the Faculty of Engineering. These are open to international students. Bear in mind that these are very competitive, but if you have (the equivalent of) a First Class degree and a Distinction masters, you have a chance. 

If you are interested in applying for FARSCOPE or the Faculty of Engineering scholarships, please contact me first with a CV first to discuss your interests. 

Postdoctoral Fellowships

I am happy to support your application for a postdoctoral fellowship. I have previously had success myself with the EPSRC Doctoral Prize and the UK Intelligence Community Fellowship. The Doctoral Prize is awarded through the university, while EPSRC also has a Postdoctoral Fellowship that is externally assessed. Please see these and other schemes below and get in touch if you would like to discuss the possibility of doing postdoctoral work in my group.